Toggling verbosity in LaTeX derivations
March 18, 2024
\[\newcommand{\Fcal}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\EE}{\mathbb{E}}\]I find it helpful to write proofs so that they can optionally be made more verbose (e.g. to fill in certain details in a derivation). There’s a very simple trick you can use to accomplish this and it’s already built in to LaTeX — no additional packages needed. This idea was taken from this reddit comment.
Put the following in your preamble:
% Verbose LaTeX doc.
\newif\ifverbose % Define a new Boolean value "verbose".
% Initially it is false.
\verbosefalse % set verbose to true/false here.
Any content you would like to restrict to the “verbose” version of your paper should then be wrapped in \ifverbose <content> \if
For the sake of example, consider the following short proof of the second Borel-Cantelli lemma (the proof details do not matter for the purposes of this post).
If the above derivations are written with the following TeX, then toggling between \verbosefalse
and verbosetrue
in your preamble will remove/include the lines in gray above, respectively.
\Pr \left ( \limsup_{n \to \infty} E_n \right )
&\equiv \Pr \left ( \bigcap_{m=1}^\infty \bigcup_{k = m}^\infty E_k \right ) \\
\ifverbose %BEGIN VERBOSE
&= \lim_{m \to \infty}\Pr \left ( \bigcup_{k = m}^\infty E_k \right ) \\
& =1- \lim_{m \to \infty}\Pr \left ( \bigcap_{k = m}^\infty E_k^c \right ) \\
& =1- \lim_{m \to \infty} \lim_{K \to \infty} \Pr \left ( \bigcap_{k = m}^K E_k^c \right ) \\
&= 1- \lim_{m \to \infty} \lim_{K \to \infty} \prod_{k=m}^K \left [1-\Pr \left ( E_k \right ) \right ]\\
&\geq 1- \lim_{m \to \infty} \lim_{K \to \infty} \exp \left \{ -\sum_{k=m}^K \Pr(E_k) \right \}\\
\ifverbose %BEGIN VERBOSE
&= 1- \lim_{m \to \infty} \exp \left \{ -\sum_{k=m}^\infty \Pr(E_k) \right \}\\
&= 1- \lim_{m \to \infty} 0\\
&= 1,
That’s all there is to it.
Bonus: if you use yasnippet in emacs or similar tools in neovim etc., it is very handy to have a snippet that creates the following.
\ifverbose %BEGIN VERBOSE
%<content goes here>